“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”
-Desmond Tutu
Some Areas of Focus
Relational Issues | Sex Therapy | Anxiety & Depression
Let’s get real…
Therapy is not rainbows, magic unicorns, or a walk in the park. It is not a one-size fits all. You are not broken, and therapists are not Super Humans placed on earth to “fix” you. Hollywood and social media have a way of glamorizing it. However, they have brought awareness to the idea that therapy can be for you.
I focus on depression, anxiety, major life transitions, sex therapy, and more. I understand that the weight of our past, present, and future can sometimes feel beyond what we can carry. All of which may feel like helplessness and darkness. But would you believe me if I told you that you are the light? You are the beacon of hope. Subconsciously, you have realized that by taking this step toward your mental health and well-being. Still, have your doubts?
Let’s chat!
Our Services